3 de diciembre de 2024

24 comentarios en «1. FSV Mainz 05 – FC Bayern München 1-3 | Highlights | Matchday 8 – Bundesliga 2023/24»

  1. I'm a little(actually a lot!) worried about Kim! He doesn't look like he's settled in his position yet…..especially during play-making! Infact he does not look at all comfortable whenever he gets the ball! Any good team(like in this instant; Galatasaray) would take adventage of such a glaring mismatch on Bayern's squad! I'm not at all confident about tonight's match!

  2. Good win after the international break!
    If Bayern wants to compete with Leverkusen and Stuttgart this season, they cannot afford to lose for now! The four teams on the top of the table are unbeaten so far and close to eacg other. More goals are needed. 💪💪💪

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