4 de diciembre de 2024

28 comentarios en «Leipzig Remains Victorious | Leipzig – Wolfsburg 2-0 | All Goals | Matchday 20 – Bundesliga 2021/22»

  1. I know that is going to sound at certain point “ridiculous” and “dumb”, however, I guarantee you that Wolfsburg will play European competitions next year.
    Remember my words, I know that many people say that Wolfsburg is playing bad and everything, but I have faith in them, once this team get a victory, you’ll see that they never going to lose again in the league this season, they will reach the 4th place and will qualify for the champions league.
    There’s still 14 matches to play, what it means that there’s still are 42 points left, so… I have a lot of confidence in my team, in the coach and also in the players.
    Come on Wolfsburg, with you guys until the end of my life ??????❤️❤️❤️??????!

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