5 de diciembre de 2024

42 comentarios en «Dani OLMO 🤓 1.000 IQ❓»

  1. Il faut que tout le ballon sorte de la ligne de jeu pour être en touche si elle touche encore la ligne elle est toujour en jeu donc il la prend avec les mains interdit donc faute

  2. 오심인데 빨아대는 축알못들 개많네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 골대 라인이 공의 끝부분까지도 완전히 통과해야 골로 인정되는거고 나머지 일반 라인은 공의 딱 절반 이상이 라인을 나가는 순간 라인아웃 판정임. 축알못ㅅㄲ들 ㅈㄴ많누 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  3. 1. Lines belong to (are part of) the area they enclose.
    2. The entire ball must cross a line to be out (or in, in the case of a goal).
    So, a ball that is not 100% over the goal line is not a goal since the goal line is part of the field.

  4. Wtf the ball was completely out of the line in second camera angle. There is no two way thinking here. Its cold fact
    Not even a corner was on the line. So wtf are you ppl talking about? Black is white?

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