21 de diciembre de 2024

36 comentarios en «FCK Return with Strong Victory | Kaiserslautern – Hannover 2-1 | All Goals | MD 1 – Bundesliga 2»

  1. vielleicht magst du auch indonesischen Fußball, einer der Vereine ist PERSIJA JAKARTA, der Trainer ist auch ein ehemaliger Trainer von Borrussia Dortmund, lass uns den Youtube-Kanal „Persija Jakarta“ besuchen und den Spaß sehen

  2. 有啲人無賭波覺得呢場波無問題,試諗下,呢場球賽80分鐘失第二球,基本上就好少會有第三球再出現。呢場波客隊係故意放比主隊禁區入球

  3. Delighted to see Kaiserslautern win on first game back in Bundesliga 2. I worked for Wipotec for 2 years and visited city many times. Have liked Kaiserslautern since my local team Bohemian FC, Dublin played them in UEFA Cup many years ago. Greetings from Dublin, Ireland!

  4. Please post more bundesliga 2 content throughout the season. Seemed to start off with a fair bit at the start last season but posted nothing towards the end

  5. Mad how early the bundesliga has started, good to see a historic club like Kaiserslautern doing well, hopefully they can get promoted to the top tier of German football soon enough and start competing where they belong.

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