27 de diciembre de 2024

26 comentarios en «Neuer Overtakes O.Kahn with 311th Bundesliga Win! | FC Bayern – Union Berlin 4-0 | All Goals | MD 27»

  1. No i co – rządem Messi i jakiś tam fakir Ronaldo tylko Lewandowski jest najlepszy na Świecie- Benzemyi Mbape czy Neymary adios bla bla bla ! nie możecie tego strawić to widać kto najwięcej strzela i jak !-.Robert- King World!- Rengi Kid!

  2. The 5th-time Lewy scored 30 or more in Bundesliga, this man is a living legend! Extend him ASAP, he will break Gerd mullers' all-time Bundesliga 365 goals record in 2 seasons

  3. Fun fact: In the FIFA game Lewandowski is not even a high tier player. He's worth like 9 times lesser than Messi. That really shows how much respect he's getting for being the best in the world.

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