27 de diciembre de 2024

43 comentarios en «PES 2021 PC Complete Option File Datapack 7.0 ( Premier League, Bundesliga, LaLiga, MLS & More )»

  1. Hey! This is awesome, and I like it so much, but unfortunately I don't know why, player's boots, and gloves sometimes won't be there, they don't have foot, any idea how can I fix it? Also, I checked it in edit, and some shoes aren't there, so this can be the problem.

  2. I installed a legend pack first with sider 7.1.0, then followed these steps, but after I load the game the team badges are still the old ones, any thoughts?

  3. Does the 2021 season update overwrite all the Pes 2020 data, mods, etc., or is it a separate game? I’m debating whether or not to upgrade to 2021 or just continue playing my current pes 2020 game with mods and other files already installed.

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