30 opiniones en “The Bundesliga‘s Controversial €1 Billion Deal”

  1. Do you think this is good or bad for the Bundesliga? I say right now it sounds like a good chance to retain the core values of German football while staying competitive, just a bit scared it could be used as the first step to eventually attack 50+1…🤔

  2. German football has the potential to be the best league ever. the fans and the atmosphere they create can't be matched by any amount of money that the premier league generates. If they take this deal, THEY WILL COOK.

  3. I really hope they challenge the PL. I love being able to watch all PL matches from my country (mexico) and Id love to be able to do the same with the BL.

  4. I don't really know about this. I like the Bundesliga, but they work so well because they are very good at making long term rational decisions. Famously clubs like Bayern Munich are virtually never in debt, and very good at producing talent. As long as they treat this with a longer term mindset, I think this can go well, but they need to be really smart about this.

  5. The German fans don't like their clubs to actually progress they think football should only be for them and it's an absolutely wrong way of thinking because they don't realize that when you gather more fans from abroad the game becomes more enjoyable on all levels. I literally don't know any Bayern, Dortmund or Leipzig fans here in my country even though football is the biggest sport over here, it's only Premier league sides, Madrid & Barca that have huge fanbases here.

  6. You can protest all you want. But the actual true protest that will matter is boycotting: stop buying tickets, season tickets, shirts, subscriptions to tv/streaming. If you don't do that, they will not care.

  7. They should use it for more wide spread international teams like in America most of the bundesliga international teams our in the west coast in America and we need more teams spread
    Across the country in populated areas.

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